EdCamp Baton Rouge


Photo Sep 27, 6 51 46 AM

Last Saturday at CMS, we hosted the first EdCamp Baton Rouge…and it was such a great day of learning, sharing, and networking! Educators from around the city (and several from other places around the state) came out for a day of “unconference” style learning. We had about 30 people show up, which I think was a good showing for the first event of its kind in Baton Rouge. Less than a handful of us had ever attended an EdCamp before, so it was definitely a new concept for most. However, everyone jumped right in and contributed to the learning, which is exactly what EdCamp is all about.

Photo Sep 26, 4 45 02 PM Photo Sep 26, 4 44 54 PM

As attendees arrived, they used different colored Post-Its to suggest session ideas and topics. Designating different colors really helped us when we were sorting and making the session board.

Photo Sep 26, 5 05 26 PMPhoto Sep 27, 9 13 27 AM

We started the morning off with a few rounds of “Rocks/Sucks” or “Things that Suck” which got our attendees discussing some hot topics in education. My friend and our CMS Data Specialist, Jason Dupuy, did a great job of moderating this activity.

Photo Sep 27, 9 11 05 AM Photo Sep 27, 9 10 53 AM

Also during this time, we were busy putting together our session board. The digital session board along with links to notes from the sessions can be found here.

Photo Sep 27, 11 45 03 AM Photo Sep 27, 11 45 20 AM Photo Sep 27, 11 45 32 AM Photo Sep 27, 11 53 44 AM

Since we had a smaller group, we scheduled fewer sessions at each time slot. I had several teachers who had never attended an EdCamp before tell me they LOVED the rule of two feet — it meant they could hit up multiple sessions at a time slot and not feel bad about leaving. A number of attendees said this was the BEST professional development that they had ever attended and they couldn’t wait to recruit more people to attend next year…YES!!

Photo Oct 02, 9 01 21 AM

At one of our session slots, we held a playground. I combined this idea from EdCamp Atlanta‘s 25 minute tech tools session slots and the Librarians Network Playground we host at ISTE each year. At sign up, we had people put up Post-Its for a tech tool/resource they would be willing to demo at the playground. We had eight different stations where folks were sharing their favorite resource (Kahoot, Kid Blog, PicMonkey, Schoology – to name a few) and the other attendees floated around the room to learn about the different tools. This was a big success and lots of fun! We will definitely do this again next year, as it was a great way to really get to share tried and true tools that we love and use all the time in our schools.

Photo Sep 27, 12 44 37 PM Photo Sep 27, 12 37 27 PM Photo Sep 27, 12 23 12 PM Photo Sep 27, 11 58 16 AM

We had the BEST EdCamp lunch EVER, thanks to my awesome parents. They cooked for our crew: pulled pork sandwiches, smoked sausage, beans, coleslaw, and mom’s bread pudding. There were definitely lots of raves about the food and I have to give a shout out to my parents for being so amazing and supporting me in everything I do…including EdCamp!

Photo Sep 28, 8 13 21 PM

Thanks to my BFF and EdCamp co-organizer Alaina Laperouse…you are the best! And thanks to my friends Paula Naugle, Marcie Hebert, and Chris Young…they all traveled in from New Orleans for the day and that meant SO MUCH to me!

Photo Sep 27, 2 00 37 PM Photo Sep 27, 2 28 23 PM

Thanks the EdCamp Baton Rouge Sponsors: SimpleK12, Flocabulary, BrainPop, Edutopia, Follett, Oak Point, StoryboardThat, and 30Hands. And thanks to my awesome principal Jason Fountain for always letting me run with my crazy ideas and allowing us to host EdCamp at our school (he won the Flocabulary subscription…WOOHOO!).

Photo Sep 27, 2 00 24 PM

I’m counting our first EdCamp Baton Rouge as a success, and I can’t wait to host another next year!

One thought on “EdCamp Baton Rouge

  1. Tiff,

    Thanks for your enthusiasm and dedication to learning for teachers. You put together a great day of learning. It was well worth the drive. See you next year!

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