This weekend I finally dove into a task that I’ve been wanting to get after…wiki redesign!!
First, let me say that I absolutely love Wikispaces. The wikis are very user friendly and they even give perks to educators!
What my wikis were lacking…genuine cuteness. I mean, I’m all about the cuteness and I REALLY needed to fix up my wiki. I was inspired by SIGML’s Wiki which is so nicely done! And their great designer, Victor Fitzjarrald, has created a great Wiki Design tutorial. Score!
So I spent Saturday getting cozy with Photoshop and CSS and put lots of work into our SIGMS wiki.
Check out the SIGMS Wiki here!
Then I was hooked. My presentation wiki was much overdue for some TLC. Our state technology conference, LACUE, is coming up and I’ve got a presentation that I’ll be working on for that…so it needed a extra cute home.
Check out my Presentation Wiki here 🙂
I think the buttons are what really make the new look pop — those were created in Photoshop. According to my husband (who does graphic/web design), I know just enough Photoshop to mess things up. HA! I fixed things up 🙂 So proud of myself!!
I was inspired a second time this week by the absolutely FANTABULOUS Gwyneth Jones! Yep, that Daring Librarian is uber inspiring! She posted about Dropbox, which I finally took advantage of last week. I grew to love it so much, so quickly that I created a Tech Tuesday video about it:
Thank you so much dear for the kind shout out! You always spur me to new challenges! (like my presentation wiki inspired by yours?) — Also, Love your DROPBOX video…the only thing you missed was the fact that you can SHARE folders & files with people or groups! Just like how you can assign sharing & editing rights in Google Docs the same with Dropbox – Snap! Amazing! I haven’t played with the CSS Wikispaces code though..something to add to my “to do” list!
Ps. Speaking of a To Do list… I’m also waiting for you to make that video of our Teacher Librarian Geek Tribe Gang Sign….yeah, you know the one! Didn’t you agree to make a short video? Or am I just hoping that you did!
Your wikis are super-cute! I usually avoid them because they can be so drab and blase. I like , I like! I hope to see you at LaCUE–keep up the great work!
The wikis look great and your 12 Things is making me jealous:) So far I’ve claimed my wiki name and that’s about it. Shame on me. I need to get in gear and try to make it at least tolerable to look at:)
Creative use of wikis! glad to see educators and librarians getting in on the action.